There’s nothing like a small fire in your kitchen, caused by the old gas cooktop, to spark a renovation! That’s what happened to my client, and when the insurance money came in, she decided it was time for the long-delayed kitchen upgrade.
First up – paint those cabinets! Her cabinets were in great shape but she had never liked the wood color, and they were way too traditional for her taste, but, replacing them was a budget-busting proposition, so we decided to paint them a more contemporary dark grey (Sherwin-Williams SW6004, “Mink”). But before the paint goes on, first you prime! Ugh!

Prime, Paint and Paint and Paint!
IF you’ve never painted cabinets, you won’t believe how much primer and paint you will use! It just goes on forever – but it’s worth it in the end.

Pulling it Together…
After the paint dried, it was time for new countertops; she went with Silestone “Blanco Maple”, a tile backsplash, a festive new color ( Sherwin-Williams SW9005 “Coral Clay”) to go over the dated dark blue, and the new cooktop! It took a little over a month, but we think it was worth it and she is very happy with the finished project!